The Legacy .

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James Gillray
The Legacy .
Peel 3316
[London] : Pubd. Novr. 10th. 1786, by W: Holland No 66 Drury Lane, [1786]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

By James Gillray.
A satire on the will of the Princess Amelia, the aunt of George III, who died 31 Oct. 1786 and left the bulk of her property to her nephews Prince Charles and Prince Frederick of Hesse-Cassel.
Library's copy trimmed within plate mark.


Print shows the white horse of Hanover, laden with two panniers (inscribed 'Sterling') overflowing with guineas, and a tea-tray with a tea-service, being led off to the right by a demon, wearing a high cocked hat and his hair in a queue. Under his arm is a sack inscribed 'light gold for charities'. A signpost points 'To Hesse-Cassel'. A sack, labelled 'For Secret Services', with the legs and feet of an animal or demon walks behind the horse, which directs a blast of excrement towards the royal party. In the middle distance (left) the royal family stand disconsolately in a group: Queen Charlotte, much caricatured, holds up a slender purse to the King with a gesture of despairing astonishment. The younger children, ragged and in tears, surround their parents. Behind them is Windsor Castle. In the foreground (left) is the corner of a debtors' prison, a begging-box outside the barred window through which look the Prince of Wales, Burke, Fox, and North; George Hanger's profile is just visible within.

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