Printmaker from BM Satires.
Etched text above, on the upper margin of the print: Poor John Bull's House plunder'd at Noon Day.
Library's copy trimmed within plate mark.
The new ministry is depicted on a large carousel, erected in front of the "Crown and Royal Bob" Inn. The structure is supported by a center pole held in place by pegs labelled "Treasury," "Navy" and "Army" terminating at the top with the head of the King in the form of a wig block. Fox, with a fox's head and tail, leads the procession, holding a bag of money. Behind him, Lord North on a horse with its legs cut short, loses his wig; Burke in Jesuit's habit and on a similarly lame horse, has partially turned into a skeleton due to his economical reform; Admiral Keppel behind him is desperate to remain seated on his donkey. Lastly a Scotsman labelled "President" signifies Scottish influence over the Crown. Watching from a seat before the Inn, a complacent John Bull mouths slogans of liberty, unaware that his house is being plundered behind him.