
Image not available
James Gillray
etching, hand colored
image: 242 x 861 mm; sheet: 265 x 861 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2677
[London] : 'Pubd May 20th 1788. by S. W. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly, [1788]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

By James Gillray.
Design executed on two sheets, joined end to end to form a semi-symmetrical horizontal composition.
Library's copy trimmed within plate mark.


On the left hand sheet of the design, a stage-coach drives (right to left) through water; the four horses have human heads. A signpost on the extreme right points 'To the Slough of Despond'. The driver is Burke; he lashes the horses furiously. On the box under his legs are the (broken) scales and sword of Justice and a laurel wreath. Fox sits on the roof as the guard, holding a blunderbuss. He and Burke watch with alarm the horses who are advancing into deeper water. The heads of the horses are in profile; Derby is the off leader, Sheridan the near wheeler. The near leader may be Windham. The heads of four passengers (members of the Opposition), with anxious or despairing expressions, are visible through the window. The middle of the three facing the horses resembles Portland, the man on his right Stormont. The man on his left is Francis (as in BMSat 7330). Their 'vis-à-vis' may be Lord Carlisle. On the side of the coach, which is 'Licens'd by Act of Parliament', is a crest: a bull (for John Bull) with the motto 'Pro Bono Publico'. The basket at the back is filled with documents inscribed 'Bill of Rights', 'Magna Charta', 'Impeachment of W. Hastings'. Beneath the design is etched: 'O Liberty! O Virtue! O my Country!' Two bats and an owl fly above the horses, showing that night is coming on. Dark clouds obscure the horizon on the left. On the right hand sheet, stage-coach is driven (left to right) uphill at a gallop, the horses having human heads as in BMSat 7323. The arm of a signpost on the extreme left points 'To the Temple of Honor'. Thurlow drives, lashing furiously. George III, in profile to the right, is seated in the boot at the back of the coach holding a musket with a fixed bayonet. The Queen sits on the roof as an outside passenger, dressed as an old market-woman ; she holds a basket of 'Golden Eggs' on her knee, and another basket at her side in which is a goose which hisses at the King. Within the coach Hastings (left) and Mrs. Hastings (right) sit facing each other; he is in oriental dress; she wears a jewelled turban with a crown, and her neck is covered with jewels. The coach is 'Licens'd by Royal Authority'; on its panel are the royal arms. On the box under Thurlow's legs are a star and ribbon, a coronet, and feathers. The leaders have the faces of Pitt1 and Sydney, the wheelers are Dundas and Pepper Arden. The horses are galloping uphill and the sky is clear, contrasting with the scene on the left hand side of the composition.

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