Saint Anthony for Italy

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Carington Bowles
Saint Anthony for Italy
image: 222 x 229 mm; plate mark: 223 x 235 mm; sheet: 246 x 321 mm
Peel 2666
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Title from item.
No. 7 of the series of plates entitled: Seven Prints of the Tutelar Saints.


A pope rides (left to right) a bull across a landscape following a piglet with a bell around its neck; in the distance is a large crucifix at which a figure kneels in prayer, and views of Castel Sant'Angelo and St Peter's. The pope carries a crozier across his left shoulder from which hang two fish; the papal keys hang from his waist together with a scourge, bell, rope and rosary. He holds a holy water pot and aspergillum in his right hand in front of him. At the top, on either side, is an angel's head; on the left is a laurel wreath from which hangs musical and artistic instruments and bunches of grapes; on the right is a cardinal's hat from which hangs a censer, rosary, crozier, papal cross, prayer book, chalice and grapes; at the foot is another angel's head. Below the border a fox stands on either side of two columns of engraved verses: Sons of Fam'd italy behold with Wonder ...
