An essay on woman : illustrated with notes from various authors / I. Roberts sc.

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James Roberts
An essay on woman : illustrated with notes from various authors / I. Roberts sc.
etching & engraving
image: 339 x 238 mm; plate mark: 350 x 247 mm; sheet: 441 x 286 mm
Peel 2633
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

State with publication year. Another state, without the publication year and with price "Price 1 s. 6d", is in the Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University.


Allegory on vanity and mortality, with a divided full length figure consisting of a richly dressed woman at right, and a skeleton at left; engraved quotations on the perfidy and frailty of women surround the figure, and the words "Plan" and "Elevation" appear beneath its skeletal foot at left and shoe at right. At left is a large plinth or monument, and at its base lie a pile of books with titles indicating their frivolous, "feminine" nature.
