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Folded broadside featuring three satirical prints: The Contest (George, 17033a): A tug-of-war between the Queen (left) and King for a pair of breeches inscribed "Reform". She is supported by Wellington, who is grasped by Cumberland. Grey and Brougham tug on the King's side. The Woman Wot Rides the Sovereign (George, 17034a): The Queen rides (right to left) a galloping horse with the head of William IV. Spurring and lashing it savagely, her crown-like cap flies off. Behind her a signpost points right, "To Reform". Petticoat Government -- England's New Ensign (George, 17035a): Suspended on a post, and spread wide like an umbrella, is a petticoat, on which are emblems centred by the White Horse of Hanover. Under this William IV (right), wearing a fool's cap and a petticoat, sits on a stool; Wellington and Peel (as a policeman) kneel in obeisance to the petticoat, and Lord Munster (?), also kneeling, weeps, with a money-bag inscribed "1000" tied to each pocket.