Suggested date from another state of this print with imprint reading: Publish'd 5th Septr 1779, by W. Humphrey.
In this state, Humphrey's imprint includes the address but no date of publication.
Satire on clerical opposition to the American revolution.
Attributed to Gillray by BM Satires.
Library's copy trimmed to plate mark.
Print shows a procession of bishops and clergy marching from left to right. headed by a prelate, evidently Archbishop William Markham, on a prancing horse, holding a drawn sword. After him walk two boy choristers chanting from an open music book held between them. One sings "O Lord our God, Arise", the other, "Scatter our Enemies". Next come three bishops: a lean ascetic who carries their standard, between two who are stout and gross. On the standard, which is attached to a crozier, is "To Arms O Israel", and a mitre between two crossed croziers. The prelate on the standard-bearer's left sings, "Give us good Beef in Store", the other, who carries a musket on his shoulder, sings "When that's gone, send us more". Behind them a fat bishop sings "And the Key of the Cellar Door", while the cleric next him, who wears an academic gown and cap, sings "That we may drink". Behind, the mitres of more bishops are visible, and a man in academic cap and gown, who sings, "From Labour & Industry - Good Lord deliver us". Cf. BM Satires.