Sawney in the bog-house

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James Gillray
Sawney in the bog-house
image: 317 x 230 mm; plate mark: 351 x 247 mm; sheet: 370 x 262 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2304
London : Publish'd. 4th. June 1779 by Mrs Holt No 111 Oxford Street, [1779].
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Title from item.
Attributed by some sources to James Gillray.
Four lines of verse on the wall behind the figure of "Sawney", at right, read: "Tis a bra' bonny seat, o' my saul, Sawney cries, / I never beheld sic before with me Eyes, / Such a place in aw' Scotland I never could meet, / For the High and the Low ease themselves in the Street.


A satire on the Scots; an imitation but not a copy of the satire with the same title (see BMSat 2678), ca. 1745, and repeated in 1762 (see BMSat 3988), which according to Angelo was by George Bickham. A Scot in Highland dress and wearing a feathered cap is seated in a latrine, his legs thrust down two holes in the board. He grasps in his left hand a rolled document inscribed "Act for [esta]blishing Popery". Behind him a stone wall is indicated on which is etched (left) a thistle growing out of a reversed crown, inscribed "Nemo me impune lacessit". Cf. BM Satires.

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