Monsieur Francois introduces Master Pr***tly to the National Assembly / JS f.

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James Sayers
Monsieur Francois introduces Master Pr***tly to the National Assembly / JS f.
image: 262 x 197 mm; plate mark: 276 x 200 mm; sheet: 286 x 212 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 1705
[London] : Publd. by Tho. Cornell, 18th June 1792.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Print shows the interior of a hall intended for the French National Assembly. On the extreme left a large tub raised from the ground serves as tribune, its right half only being visible; from this leans a grotesquely caricatured and foppish Frenchman, blowing a trumpet. In his right hand are leading-strings supporting a lean youth who stands on the floor leaning forward, a firebrand in his left hand, an electrical rod in his right. From the trumpet of François (de Neufchâteau) issue the words "Voici un beau Garçon le fils de Dr Pr***tly grand Democrat &c." Young Priestley addresses the members who are seated on the extreme right under a gallery, travestied as men with the heads of animals (an ass, two frogs, an owl, a boar); he says, "Papa sends me to you for Improvement I will bear true Allegiance &c." They put their fingers to his electrical rod, which emits sparks. This rod is connected by a chain with a large jar inscribed "Phlogiston from Hackney College". Above the members the corner of a gallery appears from which three grinning fishwives look down. In the back wall is a large Gothic window. Cf. BM Satires.

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