Ban-yan day on board the Magnificent; or, Pease porridge hot from the coppers! / JS ff.

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John Nixon
Ban-yan day on board the Magnificent; or, Pease porridge hot from the coppers! / JS ff.
image: 225 x 364 mm; sheet: 246 x 368 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 1637
[London] : Pubd by Wm Holland, N° 50, Oxford St, July 29, 1789.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

At foot of image above title: At N° 50 Oxford St may be seen the largest Collection in Europe of Caricatures - Admittce I Shilg London.
Text below title reads: On piping to dinner he ask'd what the Seamen din'd upon, he was answered it was Ban-yan day: then said he let me have some Pease hot from the Coppers. A Punch Bowl full were instantly served up. Tom Bowling had the honor of feeding the R------l Guests, who went away highly pleas'd with their nautical luncheon.
Library's copy trimmed within plate mark.


Print shows the King and three princesses seated at a round dinner-table on the deck of a man-of-war, with a large bowl in the center of the table, into which the ladies dip their spoons; a sailor, putting his hand on the King's shoulder, holds a spoon to his mouth, and the King clutches a dish of cheese. A sailor behind the King (right) points to another sailor who stands at the top of a ladder leading up to the deck holding a bunch of turnips. Military bandsmen (right) play a drum and a pipe; two black musicians standing behind the princesses at far left play on a French horn and a bassoon. Cf. BM Satires.
