Matrimonial comforts. Sketch 6, A fashionable suit! / Woodward del ; etched by Rowlandson.

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Thomas Rowlandson
Matrimonial comforts. Sketch 6, A fashionable suit! / Woodward del ; etched by Rowlandson.
[London] : Pudb Oct 1st 1799 by R Akerman [sic] No 101 Strand, [1799]
Bequest of Gordon N. Ray, 1987.
[London] : Pudb Oct 1st 1799 by R Akerman [sic] No 101 Strand, [1799]
From the library of Gordon N. Ray.

A tailor (left) holds out a mirror to an ugly and disgusted customer, who wears a coat of 'Jean de Bry' pattern, with short bulky breeches and slippers. The customer is saying: Why you have put me a hump upon each shoulder--and here's a pair of Dutchmans breeches that would hold provision for a marching regiment--well I tell you what Master Tayor D---n me if I would go to our Club such a figure for fifty Pounds! The tailor replies: Made entirely to your Lady's Orders your Honor I assure you-she said now you was married you should look like the rest of the world;

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