Below caption title: NB. A number of disputes having arisen in the Beau Monde, respecting the Exact Situation of the Ladies Indispensibles (or new Invented Pockets) whether they were placed at the Ancle, or in a more elegible situation, - the above Search took place, in order to determine precisely the Longitude of these inestimable conveniences.
Print shows the interior of a milliner's shop, where several girls sit sewing round a large table. In the foreground the elephantine Prince of Orange kneels, feeling the leg of two girls on his right and left; they throw up their arms and scream. The others look on, amused or astonished. The mistress of the establishment enters by the door at right, elaborately and indecorously dressed, a feathered bonnet in her hand. On the wall hang cloaks, feathers, a hat, &c, and on a shelf is a bust wearing a feathered hat. A placard: 'le Magasin de Lancastre pour Embellir les Dames Angloise [sic] - Indispencibles'. One of these pockets is on the ground, a girl works at another. They are flat trimmed bags on ribbons, with vertical slits.