The Regents harmonica, or, Monopoly a catch for 21 voices with a royal base

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Robert Cruikshank
The Regents harmonica, or, Monopoly a catch for 21 voices with a royal base
[London] : Pubd by S W Fores 41 Picca.dilly, March 1820
Bequest of Gordon N. Ray, 1987.
[London] : Pubd by S. W. Fores 41 Piccadilly, March 1820.
From the library of Gordon N. Ray.

By I.R. & G. Cruikshank. Cf. George.
Text below the design is engraved in four columns: 'The Regents Harmonic Institution--A new Song to the Tune of a Cobler there was--The English are a Nation of Shop-keepers French Opinion ...


Print shows a large concert-room, which is partly a music-shop, where the Regent sits playing a 'cello. At his feet is a paper: 'Proposals for Six Charity Concerts'. Facing him stands an elderly 'cit', a John Bull, who listens delightedly. The Regent says: "There Sir is one of the finest toned Instruments, I ever touched, and our own making. Nobody makes Instruments like us. That Humbug fiddle is out of Tune." The 'cit' answers "Charming." Behind the Regent are Bloomfield playing a flute, and a man wearing clerical bands playing a violin. Behind them is a counter on which are two piles of songs 'For Sale cheap'; one is 'Bold Flinty Rock', the other 'Beautiful Maid'. Behind the counter a man supports on his shoulders a musician holding out a violin, and declaiming: "This will do, and Sir give me leave to say, No Scholar of ours shall ever use any Music or Instruments but our own, What do you think of that eh? & I am a Director, what do you think of that eh?" Two fashionably dressed ladies in the foreground address the Regent. One kneels, extending her arms dramatically, saying: "Indeed if you will Engage us we will not only buy all our Music and Instruments of you, but make our Scholars do the same." The other, identified as Miss Stephens, the vocalist and actress (1794-1882): "Indeed we will!" A piano is on the extreme right, behind this stands Braham holding a piece of music and extending an arm to disgruntled performers who are hurrying from the room, saying: "Fly not yet." Three of those departing say respectively: "We are off"; "You had better open a Cook Shop next and sell Calves heads and Cow heels"; "I'll lend you no more 4.000.s C-ts." The music stacked behind them is inscribed 'Detached Peices' [sic]. On the left Lord Eldon and Chief Justice Abbott, both in wig and gown, stand together. Eldon says: "Since our Master has taken to this Concern all our Business is Suspended." Abbott answers: "Suspended, why I have here a list of 21 fellows who ought to be Suspended." A man standing behind them says, looking at the Regent: "What then you intend to ruin all the Composers, Music Sellers, and Instrument makers do you? & this is a specimen of your correctness is it? 36 blunders in 9 pages of one Peice. Cossac Song above 30 errors. Dramatic Air worse 2d do worse still." On the extreme left is Yarmouth's smiling profile; he says: "I'll bet a Crown to One and Twenty pence, against the Hazard of being blown up by the Gas." Music on the shelves behind them is inscribed: 'the Y-m-ih Waltz'; 'Jack Ketch set to Mus[ic]'. Behind the Regent: 'New Peices'; 'Rogues March'; 'Royal Airs'. Behind the Director: 'Catches Glees, Flats and Sharps'.

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