Library's copy annotated in pencil on verso with notes identifying the subjects of Gillray's cartoon.
Below the image are captions flanking the title describing the figures: Tom Paine distributing Halfpence among the Mob - (Vide, Election at Honiton - "Tom Paine for Ever"; an Old Monk from Brentford - leading poor Goose in a string! (Vide - Paul's address to the Electors of Westminsr; Porcupine dirtying his Boots, in attempting to give Poor Goosee a shove out of the Kennel ; Ballad Singers at 5 shilling a day closing the Procession.
Print shows a procession from 'Hudsons Hote' to the hustings. The central figure is Paull, seated on a big 'India Cabbage' on the back of a goose with the head of Sir Francis Burdett. Paull holds a huge pair of shears, between the blades of which is a vast 'True Perth Cucumber'. In his left hand is a yard-stick over his shoulders is a tape-measure; on the back of his goose are a roll of patterns of 'Superfine Cloth' inscribed 'Patterns for the New Parliament Dress', and a smoothing-iron inscribed 'Goose upon Goose'. Horne Tooke leads the goose by a noose of rope round its neck; he says: "Come along Goosee! come along! Paulee says he will go with you if its to the Scaffold! Goosee!!" Under his arm is a pamphlet: 'Hints for New Patriots'. In his hat is a favour: 'Paul & Public Good'. In front of Tooke, and leading the procession is Bosville, scattering coins from his hat and saying: "There's a Penny apiece, for you Lads! & now Hollo out - "Paul forever!" and then Ill give each of you a Ride, in my Coach & Four! - Hollo boys!!" In his pocket is a 'List of the London Correspo[nding] Society'. Behind the goose marches Cobbett blowing a fiery blast from a trumpet: 'Glorious News! - Paul for ever! - damnation to the Whigs'. In his left hand he holds out a sheaf of 'Cobbett's Political Register'; from his pocket projects 'Speeches for Paul Goose &c &c &c'. In his hat is a favour inscribed 'Independence and Public Justice'. Behind him are hideous crones bawling from the ballads they hold: 'Paul & Plumpers'. They wear favours inscribed 'Paul'. In the background the mob faces the procession, cheering wildly, waving hats and bludgeons, and with the inevitable chimney-sweep. They shout "Paul for Ever" and "Paul & Plumpers".