Print shows George III as a farmer in a smock, driving his pigs out of his farmyard and down a cliff into a turbulent sea. The King is saying: "O you cursed ungrateful Grunters! - what, after devouring more in a twelve-month, than the good old Litter did in twelve years, you turn round to kick and bite your old Master! but if the Devil or the Pope has got possession of you all - pray get out of my Farm yard! - out with you all - no hangers behind! - you're all of a cursed bad-breed; so out with you altogether!!!" Among the pigs may be recognized caricatures of: Howick, Lord Holland, Lord Grenville, Lord Temple, Whitbread, Lord St. Vincent, Buckingham, Bedford (Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland), Windham, Fitzpatrick, Petty, the Duke of Norfolk, Erskine, Lauderdale, Spencer, Moira, Ellenborough in his wig, Courtenay, Sidmouth, Derby, Carlisle, Tierney, and Sheridan.
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
The pigs possessed, or, The broad bottom'd litter running headlong into ye sea of perdition / Js Gillray fect
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James Gillray
The pigs possessed, or, The broad bottom'd litter running headlong into ye sea of perdition / Js Gillray fect
[London] : Pubd April 18th 1807 by H Humphrey 27 St James's Street, [1807]
Bequest of Gordon N. Ray, 1987.
[London] : Pubd April 18th 1807 by H. Humphrey 27 St James's Street, [1807]
From the library of Gordon N. Ray.
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