The last scene of the manager's farce

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James Sayers
The last scene of the manager's farce
plate mark: 15 5/16 x 10 13/16 inches (389 x 274 mm); image: 12 5/16 x 10 9/16 inches (313 x 268 mm); sheet: 15 15/16 x 11 5/16 inches (405 x 287 mm)
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 1253
[London] : Published 8th May 1795, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street, [1795]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

The trial of Hastings, begun in 1788, after proceedings in the Commons in 1787, ended in Westminster Hall on 23 Apr. 1795, when the question of guilty or not guilty on each of sixteen points separately (based on the charges) was put to each peer, twenty-nine only voting. Loughborough, as Lord Chancellor, presided and voted guilty on all the charges except the two on which the Not Guilty vote was unanimous. Burke's closing speech (published as a pamphlet), lasting nine days (between 28 May and 16 June), was severely censured in the debate on the vote of thanks to the Managers (20 June 1794). The reference to Westminster Hall as 'formerly a Court of Law' refers not only to the general character of the proceedings, but (probably) to the contention of the Managers, over-ruled by Thurlow, that the rules of a court of law did not apply to an impeachment, appealing to the case of Strafford, see BMSat 7276, &c.
Letters on the design refer to an 'Explanation' etched below the title.
Below the 'Explanation: The Scene lies in an old Hall (formerly a Court of Law).'


A scene on the stage of a theatre symbolizes Westminster Hall. In the foreground a large cauldron is sinking through a rectangular opening in the floor. It is inscribed 'A. \ Exit in Fumo', explained as 'The Managers Cauldron'. From it rises a dense mass of dark smoke which divides into two curving branches, one on each side of a brightly irradiated bust of Hastings. The bust looks towards the Managers' box (right) and stands on a large rectangular pedestal inscribed: 'Virtus repulsæ \ nescia sordidæ \ incontaminatis \ fulget honoribus'. The cauldron is filled with burning documents, the origin of the smoke, inscribed, respectively: 'Charge', 'Charge Presents', 'Charge of Oppression', 'Charge of Cruelty', 'Charge of Extortion', 'Charge of Peculation in Contracts', 'Torture'. These are: 'B Ingredients mix'd up by the Managers to blacken C a character out of their reach'. Standing within another rectangular opening in the floor is Burke in profile to the left, gesticulating furiously, a paint-brush in his raised right hand, a document, 'more Ingredients', clasped in his left hand. He is: 'D One of the Managers & a principal Performer who having "Out-heroded Herod" retires from the Stage in a Passion at seeing the Farce likely to be damn'd.' Above the bust are two projecting beams, each supported by an angel (as in Westminster Hall), wearing a judge's wig and gown with a scroll issuing from the mouth. The figure on the left is Thurlow, looking calmly down, his hand on his breast and saying: "not black upon my Honour." The other is Loughborough, his head turned away, showing the back of his wig only (cf. BMSat 6796), and saying: "Black upon my Honour". They are: 'K a great Critic in a high Situation, who has paid close Attention. L another great Critic, not quite so good a Judge, giving his Opinion on the other Side'. On the right is a stage-box, representing the Managers' box. From it Fox, wearing a bag-wig, leans forward, looking excitedly and near-sightedly through his glass, his hand outstretched as if to restrain Burke. Behind him is the quasi-imbecile profile of Sir James Erskine (see BMSat 7152) looking over his shoulder. On the extreme right are the backs of the heads and shoulders of two Managers who are leaving the box. Below (right) a profile looks gloomily towards the stage. Fox is 'E Another Manager a great Actor very anxious about the fate of the Farce'. The others are 'eee Other Managers very well dress 'd [cf. BMSat 7309] but not very capital performers some of them tired of acting'. Just outside the box is the profile head of Francis, his baleful stare (as in BMSat 7292, &c.) fixed on the bust. He is: 'F The Prompter, no Character in ye farce but very useful behind the Scenes.' The outside of the box ('G The Managers Box') is traversed by the winding track of a snail, beginning in '1787' and meandering past '1788', '1789', '1790', '1791', '1792', '1793', '1794', the snail's head touching '1795'. A rat has gnawed a hole in the front of the box, though which he peers; in his mouth is a ticket: 'Permit the Bearer to Pass & Repass 1787 renew'd 1795', on which are indicated the arms of Sir Peter Burrell (on all tickets of admission, cf. BMSat 7276). Above the design is a stage curtain with the usual motto, 'Veluti in Speculum'. Below the stage (right) appear, in an oblong aperture fringed with flames ('H. a Court below to which the Managers retire upon quitting the Stage.'), the head and hands of a corpse-like Devil holding a pitchfork which points directly to the Managers' box. He is 'I Usher of the Mack Rod there'. He says: "By the pricking of my Thumbs Something wicked, this Way comes."

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