La promenade en famille : a sketch from life / Js. Gy. ad vivam fect.

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James Gillray
La promenade en famille : a sketch from life / Js. Gy. ad vivam fect.
[London] : Pubd April 23d, 1797, by H Humphrey, New Bond & St James's Streets, [1797]
Bequest of Gordon N. Ray, 1987.
[London] : Pubd. April 23d, 1797, by H. Humphrey, New Bond & St. James's Streets, [1797]
From the library of Gordon N. Ray.

Print shows the Duke of Clarence pulling his three children in a go-cart. His waistcoat is open, a handkerchief under his hat drapes his head, perspiration pours from his forehead. The boy, an infant replica of his father, holds a pair of reins which are attached to the duke's pocket, and flourishes a whip. Beside him are a little girl hugging a dog, and a crying infant whose features are those of her father. The crest on the cart is a chamber-pot (a 'jordan') by a crown. From the duke's pockets project a toy battleship, a coral and bells, a toy windmill, and a doll. Mrs. Jordan, in a dress of masculine cut, walks beside the cart, intent on the part which she is studying from an open book ('The Spoil'd Child') 'Act IIId enter Little Pickle'. A signpost (right) points (left) 'From Richmond', (right) 'To Bushy'.

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