Three columns of verse etched below title; First lines: Once a society of swine, liv'd in a paradice [sic] of straw.
Print shows Pitt and Dundas whipping a herd of swine with human faces whom they drive through broken palings from the enclosure in which they stand. On the extreme left is the corner of a pound through which poke the heads of two (normal) swine, ringed and shedding tears. The swine who are being flogged have, beside their human heads, ringed snouts, both heads being enclosed in a triangular wooden yoke. The leaders are Fox, with Norfolk, Bedford, Erskine, Tierney, looking over Fox's back, Burdett, Derby, and Nicholls, while M. A. Taylor, smaller than the others, scampers to right instead of left. Beside the pound stands a grinning yokel (John Bull); on its post is a placard: 'London Corresponding Society - or the Cries of the Pigs in the Pound'. The background is a row of conical haystacks behind which is a thatched and gabled farm-house.