Below caption title: Vide Cobbett's Weekly Political Register. Octr 4th 1808.
Satire on English opposition to the Convention of Cintra.
Print shows Cobbett riding on a 'Political Hog Trough' driven by four hogs in a procession, cheered by an enormous crowd. Behind him stands Windham, wearing a bonnet rouge, and holding up a large scroll inscribed: 'Loyal-Petition of ye Noble and truely Independent-Hogs of Hampshire - Humbly shewing, that the Convention with Junot, was a cursed Humbug upon Old-England! - & that the Three damn'd Convention-Signers ought to be Hanged Drawn & Quarterd without Judge or Jury'. Issues of Cobbett's paper fall to the ground from his seat, all headed 'Cobbett's Political Register' or 'Cobbett's Register' and continuing 'Ignorance of the Ministry', 'Ignorance of the British Command', 'Ignorance of the Admiralty', 'Letter to Sir Rd Phillips', 'Letter to the Duke of York', and 'State of the Army & Navy'. Three members of the Opposition, Grenville, Grey, and Sidmouth, are shown pushing the "hog trough". Behind them walk hogs on their hind legs, wearing court dress, with sword or cane, and carrying small tricorne hats. From the pocket of one hangs a paper: 'To the Free and Indepent Hogs of Hampshire'. On the left. is Bosville with a large bag of coins inscribed 'Pigs-Meat'; from this he feeds the two leading hogs of Cobbett's team. Beside him stands Burdett flogging the hogs with a long whip. Among the crowd are Sheridan, Lauderdale, and Petty, all wearing bonnets rouges. Four banners are held up, reading: 'The Botley Patriot & his Hogs for ever. - no chevaliers du bain'; 'Given up to Junot. All the Plunder All the Horses. All the Arms. - O Diable! Diable'; 'Due D'Abrantes Ratifying ye Convention'; 'Triumph in Portugal - a new Catch to be Sung by the Hampshire Hogs - to the Tune of Three Jolly Boys all in a Row'.