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James Gillray
[London] : Pubd Feby 28th, 1791, by SW Fores, No 3 Picca.dilly, [1791]
Bequest of Gordon N. Ray, 1987.
[London] : Pubd. Feby. 28th, 1791, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly, [1791]
From the library of Gordon N. Ray.

Below caption title: "thus sits the Dupe, content! "Pleases himself with Toys, thinks Heav'n secure, "Depends on Woman's smiles, & thinks the Man "His Soul is wrap'd in, can be nought but true; "Fond Fool, arouse! shake off thy childish Dream, "Behold Love's falshood, Friendships perjur'd troth; "Nor sit & sleep, for all around the World, "Thy shame is known, while thou alone art blind -Blackmore.


Print shows the Prince of Wales on a sofa, leaning against Mrs. Fitzherbert. He is playing intently with a yo-yo or 'bandelure' at the end of a string. Sheridan leans over the back of the sofa, embracing Mrs. Fitzherbert and thrusting his hand inside her decolletage. She puts her left hand on Sheridan's cheek, her right arm is round the Prince. On the left a fire blazes in the grate; above it is a decorative panel of a horse-race. On the shelf above is a bust of 'Claudius Rom: Imp:', a dice-box and dice, and the figure of an infant Bacchus, astride a cask and holding up a glass. On the wall behind Sheridan's head is a picture of 'Joseph & Potiphers Wife'.

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