By James Gillray.
18 lines of verse below caption title: 'To whip a top, to knuckle down at taw ... The Magots, on that stock which Nature gives without a rival stand.'
Library's copy torn and repaired at upper right.
Print shows Lord Barrymore and his two brothers as figurines on the shelf of a chimney-piece, along which the title is etched. Each stands on a circular pedestal inscribed: (left to right) 'A Hell-gate Blackguard', 'A Newgate Scrub', and 'A Cripplegate Monster', the three brothers being known as Newgate, Hellgate, and Cripplegate. In the centre Barrymore, as Scrub, is seated as in Act iii of Farquhar's play, when in conference with Archer: dressed in livery and wearing an apron, his hands on his knees. On the left Augustus Barry, stripped to the waist and wearing boxing-gloves with a high hat, stands in the attitude of a pugilist. On the right Henry Barry holds a toy whirligig. He wears the fashionable dress of the moment: high hat, long tight breeches reaching almost to the ankle, short wrinkled top-boots with enormous spurs. Over Barrymore's head is the lower part of a bust-portrait of the Prince of Wales in an oval frame.