By James Gillray.
Print shows naval officer Lord Camelford assaulting Captain Vancouver in the street, while a civilian, identified as Vancouver's brother John, intervenes and two young sailor boys look on. Lord Camelford is saying,"Give me Satisfaction, Rascal! - draw your Sword, Coward! what you won't? - why then take that Lubber! - & that! & that! & that! & that! & that! ...", while Captain Vancouver cries, "Murder! - Murder! - Watch! - Constable! - keep him off Brother! - while I run to my Lord-Chancellor for Protection! Murder! Murder! Murder". From his coat-pocket hangs a scroll which rests on the ground, part being still rolled up: List of those disgraced during the voyage - put under Arrest all the Ships Crew - Put into Irons, every Gentleman on Board - Broke every Man of Honor & Spirit - Promoted Spies.'