The penny trumpeter! / C.J. Grant.

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Charles Jameson Grant
The penny trumpeter! / C.J. Grant.
14 1/ x 9 1/8 inches; with border: 15 15/16 x 9 7/16 inches
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2141
[London] : Treager, 1832
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Lord Brougham, in his Chancellor's wig, with hat and knee-breeches, runs in profile to the right, as a newsboy blowing a small toy trumpet. In his right hand is a sheaf of the 'Penny Magazine'; many other copies of the paper are under his arm and on his back is a sack (or brief-bag) crammed with 'Materials for the Penny Cyclopcedia to commence in 1833 & to end the Devil knows when'. From his trumpet come the words: 'Entertaining Knowledge here--Trump Trump Trumpery Trump--Just printed and published the Penny Magazine, All works not issued by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge are Illegal--Orders now taken for the forthcoming New Penny Cyclopaedia, Trump Trump'. On the left is a building, 'Office Of The [Socie]ty for the Diffusion of [usefu]l Knowledge', constructed of large volumes, and propped up by a beam inscribed 'Monopoly'. The books are (reading downwards) 'History', 'Chemistry', 'Astronomy', 'Mathematics', 'Algebra', 'Geography', 'Travels', 'Botany', with others without titles. Close by is a jumbled heap of books and papers with a placard: 'The Encyclopedia Britannica & other Waste Paper to be Sold'.
