Probably detached from one of four issues of Whiggeries and waggeries, London : William Strange, 1834. This publication reprinted wood engravings by Robert Seymour, Robert Cruikshank, and others which had previously appeared-- often with different captions-- in Figaro in London, also published by Strange. The identical image appeared in Figaro in London, no. 16, 1832, with the same title.
Lord Brougham sits on a huge 'Wool' Sack, complacently watching two men who try to ascend it on the back of 'J. Bull' [name inside his hat]. Beside the Chancellor stands the Irish Chancellor, beckoning the others. J. B. leans his arms on the Woolsack, groaning under the weight of Eldon and Lyndhurst, who both draw purses (one inscribed 'Pension') from his pocket. (A satire on the debate on the patronage of the Chancellors of Ireland and England.)