Grand entrance to bamboozl'em / [? T. Lane].

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G. Humphrey
Grand entrance to bamboozl'em / [? T. Lane].
hand colored engraving
8 5/8 x 15 1/2 in. (border cropped)
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2061
[London] : G. Humphrey, 1821.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Queen Caroline and Alderman Wood head a procession through the City, all riding asses. They advance towards a group of Radical Reformers with placards who wave their hats. Wood is dressed as a jester in party-coloured clothes, red and yellow, here indicating the royal liveries used by the Queen; he takes the Queen's right hand; his right hand is on his breast, and he looks with eager anticipation at the Reformers. Behind him is the profile of Lady Ann Hamilton, who plays a fiddle; she wears a much-feathered (military) Scots cap. The Queen wears a red cap with the décolletée over-dress with frilled trousers, a large miniature of Bergami hanging from her waist.
