Stealing off; - or - prudent Secession

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James Gillray
Stealing off; - or - prudent Secession
etching, hand-colored
plate mark: 10 1/8 x 14 3/8 inches (257 x 365 mm); image: 9 5/8 x 14 3/16 inches (245 x 360 mm); sheet: 10 9/16 x 14 13/16 inches (268 x 376 mm)
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 1248
[London] : H. Humphrey, 1798 Novr 6th.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Fox flees in terror through the doorway of the House of Commons, taking an enormous stride. Beside him runs a thin demoniac greyhound, Grey, wearing a collar: 'Opposition Grey-Hound'. A small animal runs behind with the head of M. A. Taylor. Through the doorway are seen half the Speaker's chair and the Opposition benches, while the hands of Pitt, who is speaking, project from the left, holding two scrolls: 'O'Conner's list of Secret Traitors' and 'Destruction of Buonaparte - Capture of the French Navy - End of the Irish Rebellion - Voluntary Associations - Europe Arming - Britannia Ruling the Waves'. His words float towards the dismayed Opposition: 'Read o'er This! - And after this! - And then to Breakfast, with what appetite you may!!!' The Opposition are furtively eating papers: Sheridan eats 'Loyalty of the Irish Nation'; Tierney, 'Homage to the French Con[? stitution]'. Between them is squeezed the hat of C. Fox, indicating that between them they have left little room for their leader. Erskine, the egotist, eats 'my own Loyalty'; Shuckburgh, 'French lib[erty]'; Nicholls, 'a Letter to W Pitt'; Burdett, 'Egalité'; an unidentified member eats 'Peace or Ruin'. All wear hats except Burdett and Erskine. The House is lit by candles burnt to the socket, suggesting an all-night sitting. After the title: '"------courageous Chief!) "The first in Flight!" { N.B. The back-ground contains, a corner of the House next Session; with the Reasons for Secession; - also, a democratic Déjeuné; - i.e. Opposition Eating up their Words.'

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