Patriotic regeneration, - viz. - Parliament re-form'd, a la Francoise, - that is - honest men (i.e. - opposition.) in the seat of justice / Js. Gy. desn. et fect.

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James Gillray
Patriotic regeneration, - viz. - Parliament re-form'd, a la Francoise, - that is - honest men (i.e. - opposition.) in the seat of justice / Js. Gy. desn. et fect.
hand colored etching
image: 31 x 43.3 cm; plate: 31.2 x 42.5 cm; sheet: 31.9 x 43.2 cm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2854
[London] : H. Humphrey, 1795.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

The interior of the House of Commons; the Speaker's chair and the table are in the foreground on the extreme left; only the Opposition benches are visible and are crowded with English sansculottes wearing bonnets-rouges who eagerly watch the denunciation of Pitt. Fox sits in the Speaker's chair, as the presiding judge, a bonnet-rouge pulled over the crown of his hat. Opposite (right), on a low platform surrounded by a rail, stands Pitt; a rope round his neck is held by Lauderdale who stands behind him on the extreme right with a headsman's axe in his left hand. In front of Pitt, leaning eagerly forward over the rail is Stanhope, gesticulating violently and holding out a large scroll. Pitt, anxious and bewildered, his hands manacled, wearing only his shirt which has been torn from his shoulder, stands in profile to the left. Fox sits inscrutable, his clenched fists on the desk before him, a bell at his right hand, looking sideways at Pitt. Below him at the table are Erskine and Sheridan. Erskine, in wig and gown, as the accusing counsel, stands with outstretched hand pointing to Pitt and addressing the rabble on the benches. Holding their hands to the flames are Grafton (left) and Norfolk (right) facing each other; each sits on an inverted ducal coronet. Beside and behind Grafton sits Lord Derby. Slightly to the left and behind this group Lansdowne kneels, weighing in a pair of scales a weight, resembling a cap of liberty and inscribed 'Libertas', against a royal crown. The crown rests on the ground, Lansdowne tries to pull down the other scale.

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