Doctor Sangrado releeving John Bull of the yellow fever / [Cruikshank].

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Isaac Cruikshank
Doctor Sangrado releeving John Bull of the yellow fever / [Cruikshank].
254 x 408 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2517
[London] : Pub Feby 25 1795 by S W Fores N 3 Piccadilly, [1795]

Title from item.


John Bull has just been bled by Pitt who stands by him (left) holding a lancet. Portland kneels beside him in profile to the left, grasping an enormous bowl heaped with guineas into which more guineas are spouting from the punctured arm. On the right sits the nurse, Windham, applying bellows to a blazing fire on which a kettle boils, steam issuing from the spout which terminates in a serpent's jaws, inscribed 'Conventions', 'Plots', 'Conspiracy's', 'Treasons', 'Rebellions', 'Seditions', 'Invasions', '[Out]rages', 'Assassinations'. A dagger is thrust into the fire like a poker. Pitt, very thin, stands with bent knees in profile to the right. His bag descends beneath a bushy wig and he wears a spencer over his coat. Beside him (right) is a large bag inscribed 'Budget' from which issue a surgeon's instruments. He says: "Come Nursey make the water boil, he gets very lax. My dear Sir you must not give way to lowness of Spirits, another Invasion [scored through] Incision I mean will cheer you. I would then advise you to Exercise yourself with your firelock, & take a Trip to the Continent." John Bull looks up at him with an agonized expression; above the incision in his right arm is a bandage inscribed 'Liberty'. In his right hand is a staff resting on the ground inscribed 'Suspension Habias Corpus'. He says: "Oh Doctor, Doctor: I fear you will take too much from me. you have bled me very freely already, I am sure I cannot support it long". Portland, also distressed, says: "Make haste Doctor or have done or I shall be obliged to give up my post: my heart begins to turn already". Windham, his cap inscribed 'W.W', says: "I'll Wind-him John Bull must be kept constantly with Hot Water." Cf. British Museum catalog.

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