Charity covers a multitude of sins / Js. Gy. des. et fect.

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James Gillray
Charity covers a multitude of sins / Js. Gy. des. et fect.
hand colored etching image: 23.7 x 33.8 cm plate: 24.7 x 34.9 cm sheet: 26 x 36.4 cm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2857
[London] : H. Humphrey, 1795.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

The Prince of Wales, bowing low in profile to the left, receives a lady, dignified and handsome, who enters, covering with her gown a girl who crouches low, looking at the Prince, and who is entirely concealed except for her profile, a hand, and the lower part of her dress. In the background (right) is a supper-table at which King George III and Queen Charlotte (the latter addressing the former) are seated under a canopy with the royal arms. Other guests at the oval table are freely sketched.

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