The French invasion, or, John Bull, bombarding the bum-boats / John Schoebert fecit [Gillray].

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James Gillray
The French invasion, or, John Bull, bombarding the bum-boats / John Schoebert fecit [Gillray].
image: 33.7 x 24.5 cm; plate: 35 x 25 cm; sheet: 37 x 26.8 cm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2828
[London] : H. Humphrey, 1793.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

A comic map, inscribed 'A new Map of England & France', actually showing England and Wales, the SW corner of Scotland, the north of France, just including 'Paris', and the Belgian coast as far as Ostend. England is represented by the body of George III (John Bull), his head in profile to the right, wearing a fool's cap composed of 'Northumberland'. His left leg is drawn up, Norfolk forms the knee, the mouth of the 'River Thames' the ankle, Kent the foot. His outstretched right leg terminates as Cornwall. From the coast, at the junction of 'Hampshire' and 'Sussex', issues a blast of excrement inscribed 'British Declaration', which smites a swarm of 'Bum-Boats' extending from Ushant to the mouth of the Seine. The map is divided (inaccurately, and with omissions, but with a rough correctness) into counties, Wales representing the flying coat-tails of the King, who strides across the ocean with great vigour.

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