Watermark: "EDMEADS & PINE".
A fat pluralist parson (left) runs from left to right; Pitt (right) runs in profile to the left, grasping his hat which is piled high with guineas, while others fall from his person, his garments being inflated with coins. Each says "No Reform no Reform". Behind Pitt the 'Treasury' is faintly indicated; behind the parson is the corner of a church. From Pitt's pocket hangs a paper: 'New Places Sinecures fresh Appointments Addition to C------ [Civil] List'. The parson, his face bloated with drink, his wig worn back to front and over one eye, his stockings ungartered, holds a walking-stick and a large paper, his annual income, less outgoings, in his right hand: 'Dr D Cr / Vicar of A 1 00 . . Enormous Expense of Curates / Rector of B 500 Curate for A 20 / Dean of C 2000 D° B & C being } 25 / Vicar of D 700 contiguous / D . . E 100 D° D--------- 15 / D . . F 200 d° E--------- 1 / 4500. d F--------- - / 84. 10. 0. [sic]'.