t'Arminiaens Testament

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Simon de Vries
t'Arminiaens Testament
[Netherlands : sn, ca. 1618]
Peel 0015
[Netherlands : s.n., ca. 1618]

Artist also known as Simon Wynouts Frisius.
One edition of this print (including the version in the British Museum) was published with commentary in German. This is given in translation in Kunzle. History of the Comic Strip, I, 1973, p. 58.
See also Peel 0014, in which the pyramid depicted here appears to the left of the design.
This print may be the work of more than one artist. It appeared in a number of states, the plate passing through various hands. One version was published by Claes Jansz Fisscher, for whom see also Peel 0011 & Peel 0014.
Watermark: unknown.


This print refers to the failure of the twelve year truce between Spain and the Netherlands. It also represents internal political and religious struggles within the Netherlands, particularly between Arminians and ultra-Calvinists.

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