Master George & his Rib

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William Dent
active 1783-1793
Master George & his Rib
image: 100 x 80 mm, oval; plate mark: 126 x 80 mm; sheet: 153 x 106 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 1569
[London] : Pubd by J. Carter, Oxford Street, March 27th 1786.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Attributed to Dent by BM Satires.
Sheet partially trimmed within plate mark.


Oval design showing half length portraits of the Prince of Wales (right) and Mrs. Fitzherbert (left), both in profile to the left, his figure concealing her left shoulder; she wears a large hat with three ostrich plumes and a favor reading 'Ich dien', and her breast is covered by an arrangement of inflated gauze which was much caricatured; the Prince's hat bears a favor inscribed "Benedict". Cf. British Museum catalog.
