St. Christopher: Conversion of Christopher
Hours of Henry VIII
Illuminated by Jean Poyer
Gift of the Heineman Foundation, 1977
St. Christopher: Conversion of Christopher
Border: Christopher Carrying Christ (fol. 178)
The miniature portrays the moment when St. Christopher embraced Christianity, acknowledging the Cross's power with a reverential glance and gesture. The Devil, on horseback, gallops away in terror.
The name Christopher, which means "Christ-bearer" seems to suggest the basis of the saint's legend. As a Canaanite named Reprobus before his baptism, Christopher was a fearsome giant of a man.
Deciding to serve only the most powerful lord on earth, Christopher became a follower of Satan. However, the Devil fled upon seeing a crucifix planted in the roadway. Seeing Satan's fear, the giant resolved to follow Christ and his Cross instead.
In the margin, with the young Christ Child perched on his back, the saint struggles to cross the raging river. He leans heavily on his staff, panting with exertion. On the opposite bank is his mentor, the old hermit, who holds a lantern to light the way. (Feast day: formerly July 14)
Christopher's Resolve to Follow Christ
A hermit subsequently instructed the newly baptized Christopher in the Christian faith and gave him the task of helping travelers across a river. One stormy night a child asked the saint's assistance in traversing the current. The child was so heavy on Christopher's back that he nearly did not manage to cross. On the opposite bank the child announced that he was Jesus and Christopher had just carried the weight of the entire world on his shoulders. As proof of this, the child commanded the saint to plant his staff in the ground, where the next day it would blossom with flowers and dates.