Luke's Lesson: Luke Writing
Hours of Henry VIII
Illuminated by Jean Poyer
Gift of the Heineman Foundation, 1977
Luke's Lesson: Luke Writing
Border: Annunciation (fol. 9)
Seated in his study, the evangelist Luke sits with his symbol, the ox, at his feet, as he writes the Lesson (Luke 1:26–38) describing the Annunciation and ending with the Virgin's acceptance of God's will.
The events mentioned in the opening works of the text are illustrated in the borders: For In illo tempore. Missus est Gabriel angelus a D[e]o in civitatem Galilee cui nomen Nazareth (In that time the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town on Galilee called Nazareth), Poyer portrays God the Father as having a prominent role in the Annunciation, directing both Gabriel and the Dove of the Holy Spirit toward the Virgin.