Formerly attributed to Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi, 1606-1680.
On same mat as 1994.3:1.
Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco, 1606-1680, Formerly attributed to.
Dal Pozzo, Cassiano, 1588-1657, former owner.
Pozzo, Carlo Antonio, former owner.
Dal Pozzo, Cosimo Antonio, former owner.
Clement XI, Pope, 1649-1721, former owner.
Albani, Alessandro, 1692-1779, former owner.
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, former owner.
Dalton, Richard, 1715?-1791, former owner.
MacGowan, John, -1803, former owner.
Townley, Charles, 1737-1805, former owner.
Townley, John, former owner.
Stirling Maxwell, William, Sir, 1818-1878, former owner.
Weiner, Mia N., former owner.