Claude dedicated this drawing, which he signed and dated, to one of his last major patrons, the Florentine prince Paolo Francesco Falconieri (1626-1696). The subject, which Claude explored in several drawings leading up to a painting executed in 1672, is an episode from Virgil's Aeneid. Having arrived on the coast near Carthage with his fleet of seven ships (visible in the harbor at left), the Trojan hero Aeneas goes hunting with his companion Achates and kills seven stags to feed his men. -- Exhibition Label, From "Poussin, Claude, and French Drawing in the Classical Age"
Signed and dated at lower center, "illmo sig falconier/Claudio in facit [sic]/Roma 1669". Inscribed on old mount, in pen and brown ink, in Roupell's hand, "R P R/Claude./one of the fifty drawings selected by Messrs. Woodburn for Exhibition in 1835-/It forms no 28 of the Claude drawings from Sir T. Lawrences collection. The/description in this Catalogue is as follows./Landscape. a rich woody and rocky scene near the ocean-on the right an Eminence/crowned with trees and a Sybils Temple-In the centre on a platform of rock Achates is seen shooting at the herd of deer in the/valley-The ships of Aeneas are seen at anchor in the creek-a most magnificent/composition. free pen and bistre wash- Superb./From collections of the Marquis Vindé-Sir T. Lawrence/Mr. Esdaile".
Watermark: figure with cross and halo in shield (see Briquet 7628: Fabriano, 1602).
Paignon-Dijonval, 1708-1792, former owner.
Morel de Vindé, Charles Gilbert Terray, vicomte, 1759-1842, former owner.
Woodburn, Samuel, 1785 or 1786-1853 former owner.
Dimsdale, Thomas, 1758-1823, former owner.
Lawrence, Thomas, Sir, 1769-1830, former owner.
Esdaile, William, 1758-1837, former owner.
Wellesley, Henry, 1791-1866, former owner.
Roupell, Robert Prioleau, 1798-1886, former owner.
Thibaudeau, Alphonse Wyatt, 1840-1893, former owner.
Murray, Charles Fairfax, 1849-1919, former owner.
Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913, former owner.
Collection J. Pierpont Morgan : Drawings by the Old Masters Formed by C. Fairfax Murray. London : Privately printed, 1905-1912, I, 273, repr.
Denison, Cara D., and Helen B. Mules, with the assistance of Jane V. Shoaf. European Drawings, 1375-1825. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1981, no. 55, repr.
Denison, Cara D. French Drawings, 1550-1825. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1984, no. 23.
Denison, Cara D. French Master Drawings in the Pierpont Morgan Library. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1993, no. 25, repr.
Roethlisberger, Marcel. Claude Lorrain. The Drawings. 1968, no. 990.