The lover's dream / Js. Gillray desn. et fect.

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James Gillray
The lover's dream / Js. Gillray desn. et fect.
image: 30.1 x 39.6 cm; plate: 32 x 42.3 cm; sheet: 34.7 x 45.5 cm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2847
[London] : H. Humphrey, 1795.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

The Prince of Wales lies in bed asleep, clasping a pillow with a rapt expression, his closed eyes directed towards a vision of the Princess Caroline who leans towards him floating on clouds, a radiant beauty with outstretched arms. A winged figure with the torch of Hymen (right) holds up her draperies, while a cupid with bow and arrows flying above the Princess's head holds up the heavy curtains of the four-post bed. On the left, also emerging from clouds, the King and Queen, caricatured, crouch over the Prince's bed. The former, a grotesque figure, holds out a large money-bag inscribed '£150000 Pr Annm'. The Queen holds out a book: 'The Art of getting Pretty Children'. Both have expressions of avid delight. On the left and among clouds persons flee in alarm at the approach of the bride: Fox scattering dice from a dice-box, Sheridan as a bearded Jew wearing a broad-brimmed hat. Above them are three women: the most prominent, Mrs. Fitzherbert, with clasped hands; next (?) Lady Jersey, and between and behind them a young woman wearing a cap. Above their heads two tiny jockeys gallop off, indicating that the Prince will give up the turf. From the foot of the bed (left), which extends diagonally across the design from right to left, rolls a cask of 'Port' on which an infant Bacchus with the head and clumsy figure of Lord Derby is seated astride; he is about to fall, dropping his glass.

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