Two wonders of the world, or, A specimen of a new troop of Leicestershire light horse

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Charles Williams
Two wonders of the world, or, A specimen of a new troop of Leicestershire light horse
hand colored etching
image: 363 x 253 mm; sheet: 397 x 264 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 1901
[London] : S.W. Fores, N° 50 Piccadilly, 1806 May.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Lettered: "Pubd May 1806 by S W Fores N° 50 Piccadilly."
Library's copy trimmed within plate mark.


The colossal Daniel Lambert, in Light Horse uniform, rides a massive black charger, pulling him back on his haunches, the forelegs above the head of the little Napoleon, who has dropped his hat and sword, and holds up his arms in terror. Lambert's sabre is raised to strike. There is a landscape background with a distant church spire. Napoleon: "Parbleu if dis be de specimen of de English light Horse, Vat vil de Heavy Horse be!! Oh by Gar I vill put off de Invasion for an oder time." After the title: " - Mr Daniel Lambert who . . . [&c] - The Famous Horse Monarch, the largest in the World, is upwards of 21 hands high (above 7 feet) & only 6 Years Old."

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