Presages of the millenium / Js. Gy. desn. et fect.

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James Gillray
Presages of the millenium / Js. Gy. desn. et fect.
hand colored aquatint
image: 32 x 36.1 cm; plate: 32.8 x 37.5 cm; sheet: 33.2 x 38.1 cm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2902
[London] : H. Humphrey, 1795.
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Pitt as Death on the pale Horse rides naked on the White Horse of Hanover, galloping over the prostrate bodies of pigs; other pigs, a multitude extending to the horizon, flee before him. On the horse's fringed saddle-cloth is a crown. Pitt is very emaciated, his flaming hair streams behind him encircled by a fillet inscribed 'Destruction'. In his right hand is a large flaming sword; in his left he holds the thread-like body of a scaly monster with gaping jaws, webbed wings, and serpent's tail. Behind him on the horse's hind quarters sits a naked imp wearing the feathered coronet of the Prince of Wales, with the motto 'Ich di[en]'. He grasps Pitt, and kisses his posterior; in his left hand he holds out a paper: 'Provision for the Millenium £125,000 pr An'. The horse's tail streams out, expanding into clouds, and merging with the flames of Hell which rise from the extreme right. In the tail and flames imps are flying, headed by Dundas holding a pitchfork; he wears a wig and plaid with horns and webbed wings. Behind are three imps: Loughborough, indicated as usual by an elongated judge's wig in back view; Burke with webbed wings and serpent's tail; Pepper Arden [Identified by Wright and Evans as Lord Kenyon. The identification in the text is confirmed by Lord Holland.] wearing a large wig. In the foreground (right) Pitt's opponents are being kicked towards Hell by the horse's hind legs. Fox has just been violently struck in the face, and staggers backwards, clutching a paper inscribed 'Peace'. Sheridan lies prone, face downwards, hands raised, as if for mercy. Wilberforce sits on the ground clasping his 'Motion for a Peace'. Behind Fox Lansdowne looks up from the ground, clenching his fists. On the extreme right the Duke of Norfolk, Lord Stanhope, and the Duke of Grafton are about to plunge into the flames: Fox in falling is pushing them over.

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