Carola-Genofa-Louisa-Augusta-Andrea-Timothea-D'eon de Beaumont / Angelica Kaufman pinxt. after Latour ; Francis Haward A&R sculpsit.

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Francis Haward
Carola-Genofa-Louisa-Augusta-Andrea-Timothea-D'eon de Beaumont / Angelica Kaufman pinxt. after Latour ; Francis Haward A&R sculpsit.
London : Publish'd ... by Francis Haward, Jany 18th, 1788.
stipple engraving
13 6/16 x 9 1/2 in (338 x 239 mm)
Peel 0795
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Remainder of caption reads: Carola-Genovefa-Louisa-Augusta-Andrea-Timothea-D'Eon De Beaumont, Knight of the Royal and Military order of St. Louis Captain of Dragoons, and the Volunteers of the Army, Aide-de-Camp to the Marechal Duke & Count de Broglio, Minsiter Plenipotentiary from the King of France to the King of Great Britain in 1763, &c. &c. &c. Born at Tonnerre of Oct.r, 1728. Painted in her 25th Year. From a Picture in the Collection of Geo:e Keate Esq:r.
"This portrait derives from a print published in 1779 in France, one of a pair which showed d'Eon in male and female dress respectively ... The claim made in this print's lettering, that it reproduces a portrait made in d'Eon's 25th year, should not therefore be taken seriously. It is unclear whether the portrait referred to in the collection of George Keate would in fact be a copy painted by Kauffman after the French print. This print does, however, emphasise the admiration felt for d'Eon as a heroine who had proven her abilities beyond the usual measure of a woman. Mary Wollstonecraft would write admiringly of d'Eon as one who had showed the scope a woman might reach with the proper education and encouragement, and there was evidently great popular interest in 'her' achievements. This may account for a print which goes to such lengths to emphasise d'Eon's femininity that it has lost any resemblance to the original sitter."--British Museum online collection catalog, item 1851,0308.215.


False portrait of Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste Andree Timothee D'Eon de Beaumont (called the Chevalier D'Eon), half-length, in an oval, slightly turned to the left, in a dark dress with a bow and the star of the Order of St Louis. Cf. British Museum online catalog.
