Formerly attributed to Federico Zuccaro, Sant'Angelo in Vado 1540/2-1609 Ancona.
Inscribed at lower right, in pen and brown ink, "Fed. Zuccaro"; on verso, at upper left, in pen and brown ink, "V +"; at upper center, in red chalk, "903."; beneath this, in pen and brown ink, "eo"; at lower right, in red chalk, "Cabaro (?) 12"; at center, in graphite, "To be packed (?) [....] / on [...]".
Watermark: Pilgrim inside circle, centered on chain line.
Moroni, Giulio, 1550/60-1609?, Possible attribution.
Zuccaro, Federico, approximately 1540-1609, Formerly attributed to.
Mayor, William, 1826-1892, former owner.
Murray, Charles Fairfax, 1849-1919, former owner.
Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913, former owner.