Blind stamp with the artist's monogram at lower right.
Lithograph published in an album of lithographic plates by Hennequin entitled: Recueil d'esquisses et de fragmens de compositions, tirés du portefeuille de Mr. Hennequin, peintre d'histoire, contenant un choix de sujets dans le style grec, romain et moderne lythographiés par lui (Tournay : Chez Payen-Allard : De l'imprimerie de Ch. Casterman-Dieu, 1825).
Signed within the stone at lower left: Composé et lithé. par l'Auteur; at lower right: Hennequin.
Print shows two men, bearded and dressed in an antique manner in robes and drapery, ascending aloft in the sky among clouds; the man at left lowers his head and clasps his hands as if in prayer as the man behind him at right holds out his hands and looks upward.