On same mat with I, 221.
Inscribed in Roupell's hand, in different shades of brown ink: on the verso, at lower right corner, "RPR"; on his mount, at center, "RPR / Rembrandt / This Annunciation / From the Collections of Sir Thos Lawrence / Mr Esdaile and Mr Woodburns private / coll. 1860". This last inscription is written over a half-erased one in Roupell's hand, "The Annunciation, the Virgin / Sir T Lawrence, Esdaile, Woodburn".
Watermark: Countermark: Letters "LVG". Each individual letter placed between chain lines. Fragment of continuation of watermark visible above "V".
Eeckhout, Gerbrand van den, 1621-1674, Formerly attributed to.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-1669, School of, Formerly attributed to.
Lawrence, Thomas, Sir, 1769-1830, former owner.
Esdaile, William, 1758-1837, former owner.
Roupell, Robert Prioleau, 1798-1886, former owner.
Murray, Charles Fairfax, 1849-1919, former owner.
Morgan, John Pierpont, 1837-1913, former owner.
Collection J. Pierpont Morgan : Drawings by the Old Masters Formed by C. Fairfax Murray. London : Privately printed, 1905-1912, I, 215, repr. (as Rembrandt school)
Jane S. Turner, Dutch Drawings in the Pierpont Morgan Library: Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries, New York, 2006, p. 83-84, no. 106.