Robert Lostutter

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Robert Lostutter
The Songs of War 16
Watercolor on paper.
14 x 14 inches (35.6 x 35.6 cm)
Gift of Mark and Judy Bednar.

Lostutter is associated with the Chicago Imagists, figurative artists who have been working in a surrealist vein since the late 1960s. His works often depict grotesque figures that merge humans, birds, and plants into fantastical hybrids. In 2021, Lostutter created a series of 19 drawings called "The Songs of War," showing a range of monstrous creatures inspired by the horrors of war. The present work is a watercolor version of one of these drawings (2021.28:16). The highly meticulous rendering is characteristic of Lostutter's style, in which otherworldly subjects are made all the more strange by the refinement of his technique.

The artist (Corbett vs. Dempsey, Chicago), from whom acquired by the Morgan.
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