A British satire on efforts by William Pitt, George Rose, and some members of Parliament to impose new "Excise" duties on tobacco.
Print shows a bull, muzzled and blindfolded, with legs chained to a stump, being harassed by dogs (depicted with heads of members of Parliament). Pitt points at the bull, shouting, "At him! at him! Tally-ho, ho, ho." From his pocket hangs a paper inscribed 'New Excises intended upon Cyder, Flour, Hardware, Linnens, Woolens, Coals, Butchers Bakers Cheese-mo[ngers] Fish, Water'. Pitt and his dogs are hurrying from the Treasury, over the gate of which the word Treasury has been scored through by Rose, who stands on a ladder on the extreme right, painting the word 'Excise-Office' in large letters. A rose takes the place of his head; in his left hand is his paint-pot inscribed 'Kings' Yellow'. Edward Thurlow, also shown as a dog, registers his opposition to these "New Excise Fetters for John Bull" by urinating on tobacco leaves. Among the members of Parliament depicted are: William Wyndam Grenville, Henry Dundas, Charles Lennox Richmond, Charles Jenkinson, Richard Pepper Arden, Sir Charles Pratt Camden, and possibly Francis Osborne Carmarthen.