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James Gillray
etching, hand colored
plate mark: 138 x 187 mm; sheet: 141 x 191 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2448
[London] : Pub 9th March 1783, by H. Humphrey No 51 New Bond St., [1783]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Formerly attributed to James; evidently etched at the suggestion of George Dance the younger who supplied the preliminary sketches.
Companion print to George no. 6188.


A scene in the House of Commons, a characteristic attack by Fox and Burke on North during North's ministry. The figures of Fox and Burke are rising from clouds, as if to suggest a vision of past debates. The half length figure of the Speaker in his chair (left) is faintly sketched; North (left) stands below him on solid ground. All are in attitudes characteristic of the speakers: North, his back to the spectator, his right arm raised, is saying, "want of candor, Illiberality our misfortunes entirely owing to Opposition". Fox, standing full-face, and looking towards North, raises his right arm, his fist clenched, saying, "I shold hold myself Infamous if I ever form'd a connection with him! - deserve the Ax! - disgrace! infamy! - shame! incapacity ignorance! corruption! - love of place! blunders, wants, weaknesses, gross stupidity hardly conceivable that so much Pride Vice and Folly can Exist in the same Animal." The words of the speakers are etched beneath them. Burke (right) stands in profile to the left, bending forward with both hands raised with clenched fists above his head. Cf. British Museum online catalog.

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