The W______st_r just-asses a braying, or, The downfall of the E.O. table

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James Gillray
The W______st_r just-asses a braying, or, The downfall of the E.O. table
image: 230 x 340 mm; plate mark: 246 x 350 mm; sheet: 265 x 364 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2405
[London] : Pubd. Augt. 26th 1782 by W. Humphrey No. 227 Strand, [1782]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

By James Gillray.
Title from item.
A satirical commentary on the enforcement of anti-gaming laws by the authorities of Bow Street.


Print shows justices and constables of Westminster attacking an E.O. table in the street. The two Bow Street justices, Addington and Wright, and their clerk, Bond, have asses' heads. Justice Addington, his head bleeding, is being chased from an open door of a house by a maidservant wielding a broom; she says, "Come out here! I'll Just-ass Addlehead you! what you'll open my Lock too, without a key will you?" Addington holds his hands over his head saying, "Help! Murder! - help - Fire! Thieves: Popery! help!" Justice Wright, wearing a bag-wig, stands over the table, a mallet raised above his head about to strike the table. A constable attempts to stop him, saying, "O Lord, Mr Just-ass you'r not Wright! [The W. has been scored through] they'll dite you on Magna-Charta for breaking open their Houses! & have you before the Judges". Wright answers, "The Judges? damn t!le Judges! & Magna-Charta too! ! our Warrants above both - ". On the right of the table stand two other constables of disreputable appearance, one wields a poker, the other a large hammer. On the left Bond, the clerk at Bow Street, stands on an upturned tub, saying, "Slap away Boys, slap away: I am Bond for all the mischief you do - I hope soon to be a Just-ass myself, for my Ears are now grown almost as long as Just-ass Addleheads - ".

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