The triumphant Britons

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James Gillray
The triumphant Britons
etching, hand colored
sheet 25 x 34 cm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2321
[London] : Pubd. March 8th, 1780, by H. Humphrey, New Bond St., [1780]

"A bayonet charge of British soldiers (right) against Spaniards and Frenchmen (left). The Spaniards, wearing feathered hats, are fleeing unarmed. A thin Frenchman dressed as a petit-maitre staggers back in alarm, his arms outstretched, one hand on the shoulder of an equally terrified Spaniard. A Spaniard in cloak and slashed doublet has fallen to the ground and tries to shelter behind the Frenchman; coins apparently from his pockets lie on the ground beside him. The British advancing with bayonets are led by an officer who holds a sword raised to strike; a soldier holds a British flag."--British Museum online catalogue.

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