Probably detached from one of four issues of Whiggeries and waggeries, London : William Strange, 1834. This publication reprinted wood engravings by Robert Seymour, Robert Cruikshank, and others which had previously appeared-- often with different captions-- in Figaro in London, also published by Strange. The identical image appeared in Figaro in London, no. 11, 1832, with the title To Lord Wharnecliffe [sic].
Brougham, as Cupid, dances along, dragging Wharncliffe after him by a cord round the waist. He holds up his bow; his quiver is inscribed 'Persuasives', and he has transfixed Wharncliffe with five arrows. The latter pulls coyly away, resisting Brougham. He is adjured to "yield at once to Cupid Brougham's sway".